Books and Articles

In the Press

Featherstone, Lisa (2021). Sexual violence in Australia, 1970s –1980s: rape and child sexual abuse. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kaladelfos, Andy and Smaal, Yorick (2019). Sexual violence and male prisons: an Australian queer genealogy. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 31(3), 349–364.

Fileborn, Bianca and Loney-Howes, Rachel. #MeToo and the Politics of Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan.

Featherstone, Lisa and Kaladelfos, Andy (2016). Sex crimes in the fifties. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Publishing.

Loney-Howes, Rachel and Fileborn, Bianca (2024) The government has announced the scope of its sexual violence inquiry. Here’s what it gets right (and what it doesn’t). The Conversation. January 24.

Hindes, Sophie, Ison, Jess and Fileborn, Bianca (2021) LGBTQ+ people are being ignored in the national discussion on family and sexual violence. The Conversation. September 10.